AHANA – DoH COVID-19 Prevention Contract

The AHANA COVID-19 prevention team is currently under a Department of Health (DOH) contract to educate the community about the spread of the virus, with the goal of the safe reopening of businesses. The team has developed a training presentation for multi-ethnic and multi-cultural businesses in Spokane based on information from the DOH. The presentation materials are provided in English, Spanish, Vietnamese, Korean, and Chinese. During the training presentations, translators are used for a clearer understanding for those businesses with language barriers. The team is over a month into executing the contract, with the goal to reach 112 businesses by the end of March.

The contract has allowed AHANA to further connect with multi-ethnic businesses about its mission to advocate for them. AHANA will continue to work with multi-ethnic businesses to ease the transitions to new phases of COVID-19 reopening protocols. During the new phases, it is essential for businesses to remain vigilant with health protocols while the pandemic continues.


Some of the businesses that have been through the AHANA COVID-19 Prevention Training:

Casa De Oro – Enrique Torres (Business Owner) – [Maria Gutierrez – AHANA Trainer]










Hoa Phan – Famous Nails (Business Owner) – [Intrepreter – Minh Du Thi Le]











Fiesta Mexicana – Miguel Amador (Business Owner) – [Maria Gutierrez – AHANA Trainer]













Midori Sushi – Sang Wook Um (Business Owner) – [Yong Flowers – Interpreter]


Kinja Japanese Restaurant – Byoung Lee (Business Owner) – [Maria Gutierrez – AHANA Trainer]

Sushi Sakai – Jae Jeon (Business Owner)


Boba Bubble – Minsook Nam (Business Owner) – [Maria Gutierrez – AHANA Trainer]


Choo Choo Tortas – Gonzalo Perez  (Business Owner)