Application deadline extended for OPENTogether Small Business and Non-Profit Grant Applications

The Deadline to Apply Has Been Reopened through
Friday, August 14th at 5:00 p.m.

ALL eligible applications will be reviewed – this application is NOT on a first come, first serve basis

There is an emphasis to fund eligible and qualified minority businesses!

The OPENTogether Small Business and Non-profit Grant program has reopened to assist small businesses and non-profits. Its purpose is to offset COVID-19-related expenses such as payroll, safety and operating costs, rent and other allowable expenses with $10 million of Spokane County-allocated CARES Act dollars.

Small businesses with fewer than 50 FTE (full-time equivalent) employees and non-profits (with any number of employees) can now apply for a grant of up to $10,000. These funds are to assist small businesses and non-profits with costs related to business interruption caused by related closures and compliance with COVID-19 public health emergency mandates.

Grant Parameters (Pre-qualifications & Documents/Information Needed)
Q&A for Small Business Applicants
Q&A for Non-profit Applicants