Multi-Ethnic Business Association d/b/a AHANA was established in 1998. AHANA is a Spokane based non-profit organization that provides education, technical assistance, and outreach to all multi-ethnic and multicultural businesses owners and their communities. AHANA is an acronym for Asian, Hispanic, African, Native American.


AHANA was formed in 1998 as a trusted organization to support and engage multi-ethnic and multi-cultural business owners and working professionals. The organization addressed business needs and provided solutions for those businesses to become successful in the Inland Northwest.

In 2018, AHANA members began meeting to reboot the organization under the guidance and leadership of AHANA Founder Ben Cabildo. The new AHANA board re-established its state non-profit status under the name Multi-Ethnic Business Association (MEBA) and is doing business as AHANA because of the strong name awareness it has in Spokane.

The needs faced by multi-ethnic and multi-cultural (MEMC) businesses have not changed since 1998. Today, AHANA continues to work on the following issues MEMC businesses face:

  • Lack of information and resources and mentors for MEMC businesses
  • Lack of capital
  • Lack of business management experience and knowledge
  • Lack of business marketing, financial experience and knowledge
  • Lack of connection and access to business and contracting opportunities

These issues are addressed through a 5-point program that:

  1. Provides assistance in accessing working capital for start-ups, business retention and expansion.
  2. Assists in business counseling, training, educating and accessing information and resources.
  3. Assists by creating awareness of AHANA’s business presence in the Inland Northwest.
  4. Assists with networking opportunities and by developing partnerships with government, organizations and the business community through supplier diversity programs.
  5. Promotes workforce diversity to expand employment opportunities for AHANA professionals


MISSION: The mission of AHANA is to advocate, educate, assist, and develop growth and opportunities for multi-ethnic and multi-cultural businesses and nonprofits. AHANA also advocates for increased employment of multi-ethnic people in the Inland Northwest.

VISION: An Inland Northwest region with many successful and thriving multi-ethnic and multi-cultural businesses fully engaged in the political, social and economy of the region.

Board of Directors

President: Francis AdewaleAttorney, City of Spokane
Vice President: Michael SpencerSpokane Tribal member Business Owner
Secretary: Devika Gates, Ph.D.Business Owner, Ancillary Analytical Services LLC
Treasurer: Robin Kelly, Ph.D. Chief Diversity Officer, Gonzaga University

Kerra Bower –
Business Owner, Little Scholars Development Center
Ronny Oliver –  Oregon Health Sciences University (OHSU)
Raymond Reyes –
Retired, Assoc VP for Cultural InitiativeGonzaga University
Joni Wynecoop
Deputy Executive Director at Spokane Tribe

Marvo Reguindin –  Executive Director
Sanya AlaDirector of Government and Corporate Affairs
Mindi BattinOperations Manager
Ben Cabildo –  Founder, Community Outreach & Mentorship Chief
Ana Marie CaldwellBusiness Outreach/Technical Advisor
Chantel Huijuan FanBusiness Outreach/Technical Advisor

To apply to become an AHANA Board Member

AHANA board members are volunteers with leadership experience or seeks to gain such experience and who identifies with our stated vision, values, and organizational purpose to serve on the board of directors. To apply, upload a letter of interest, resume, and contact information for at least two client or employer references as Word or PDF documents. Please make sure your last name is part of the file name. For example: M.Sanchez-resume.pdf

If available, you may also upload brief examples of related work projects you have contributed to, such as presentation materials, blogs, videos, policies, budgeting, grant proposals, etc. Applications will be considered on a rolling basis until filled.

Contact Us

Phone: (509) 503-1024
Send an email to office@ahana-meba.org.

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