Small Business Resources & PPP
Presenter: Ben Cabildo - SCORE Counselor This webinar will review CARES ACT resources for businesses during the Covid-19 pandemic and what you need to know about the Payroll Protection Program.
Presenter: Ben Cabildo - SCORE Counselor This webinar will review CARES ACT resources for businesses during the Covid-19 pandemic and what you need to know about the Payroll Protection Program.
Riverfront Park, Clock Tower Meadow AHANA will have a double booth business center at Unity in the Community. All multi-ethnic businesses are welcome to bring business cards to put on tables and network with each other and the public. Thank you to SCORE for sponsoring the booth and Thinking Cap for providing booth canopies and […]
Lunch for Board Members and Stakeholders
This virtual Economic Development Summit addresses the needs and disparate treatment of Central and Eastern Washington BIPOC communities, consultants, and contractors in endeavoring to receive equal opportunity and fair treatment for receiving state contracts. This is event will use the Zoom Webinar platform, only the hosts, presenters, and panelists screens will be seen.