WA ST. Small Business Resiliency Grant

Washington State Small Business Resiliency Grant

Small businesses have been severely impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. Knowing how important small businesses are to our local neighborhoods and communities around the state, the Department of Commerce

has developed the Community Small Business Resiliency Grant Program using $5 million in federal CARES Act funds.

Successful grant applicants will be eligible for up to $10,000. A business owner with more than one business may apply; but each business application requires a unique state UBI number or Tribal Letter/Certification.

Grant awards cannot be used to reimburse personal expenses (i.e., home mortgage, personal utilities), pay state or federal taxes or lobbying expenses/activities.

To apply, applicants must meet the following criteria:

  1. Have been in operation since at least Mar. 1, 2019.
  2. Have no more than 20 payroll (full-time or part-time) employees as of Mar. 1, 2020.
  3. Be licensed as a Washington State business in good standing with state and federal agencies.

Businesses that meet one or more of the following criteria cannot apply:

  1. Established after Mar. 1, 2019.
  2. Had more than 20 payroll employees as of Mar. 1, 2020.
  3. Did not experience a financial loss due to the COVID-19 crisis.
  4. Does not have a valid/current Washington State business license.
  5. Has outstanding compliance or regulatory issues as of Mar. 1st, 2020 with state and federal agencies. To check your business’ status with the State Department of Labor & Industries, please visit this website).
  6. Has been disbarred by the federal government.
  7. Is a licensed marijuana/cannabis operation in Washington State.
  8. Is a K-12 school, college or university, library, non-profit organization, or government entity/agency.
  9. Is actively pursuing a bankruptcy declaration.
  10. Has received more than $5,000 from the Working Washington Small Business Emergency Grant.
  11. Has received funding for the same expenses and not “double-dipping” for claimed expenses (not using other funding received from local, state or federal sources to cover the same expenses).

Businesses headquartered outside of Washington State and business that have federal, state or local tax liens cannot apply.

Commerce reserves the right to adjust awards and award amounts to meet geographical distribution criteria. The number of eligible, highly scored applications within each region may be factored into final awards.

To apply:

The National Development Council (NDC) and partners will assist Commerce staff by providing technical support and reviewing applications to determine eligibility.

Application intake and selection process:

    1. Applicant visits Zoom Grant application webpage and completes the application.
    2. The application is submitted along with required documentation through Zoom Grants.
    3. NDC staff screens application for eligibility to receive funding.
    4. NDC staff informs the applicant of eligibility.
    5. NDC staff will review and score applications per state-approved scoring methods.
    6. NDC staff contacts approved applicant to review and sign a grant agreement and other pertinent documents.

For local assistance contact one of AHANA’s Small Business Resiliency Response Team:

Ben Cabildo – 509-999-5365, bencabildo@gmail.com or office@ahana-meba.org

Maria Gutierrez, ASAP Translations – 509-747-5121, maria@asap-translations.com

Sanya Ala, 509-868-8048, alasanya@yahoo.com

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